About Us

Travel with us for hand-crafted itineraries & unparalled access to Bhutan

Travel Bhutan With Us

Experts at luxury travel

We are experts at luxury travel and personalized itineraries that satisfy your desire to discover the essence of Bhutan. We know that details, no matter how large or how small, make the difference. From the Jumolhari mountain of Himalayan Range to the secrets of Punakha Dzong, every location your client might be dreaming about is accessible.

Our exclusive experiences range from the arts and agriculture to cuisine and culture - and everything in-between. Let’s create unique experiences together And have you leave Bhutan with memories that last a lifetime

We know that it takes more than seeing the sights to really experience a country. Secret Bhutan is determined to help you intimately experience the heart and soul of Bhutan, so that by the end of your journey, you have developed a lasting bond with its culture and people.